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About us

  温州市瑞达织标有限公司创立于2002年,座落在”中国鞋都“温州市龙湾区.集开发、设计、生产、销售为一体。厂房2000多平方是一家专业生产商标织唛,商标织带,布标,印唛,洗水唛,织印,织章,织绣,吊牌,吊粒,服装辅料,鞋类商标等系列产品,配有超声波切、剪折、激光切割、包边等一条龙服务的商标织造公司。本公司引进国际先进设备,业务网络遍及国内50多个大中城市。 现今,我们已与多家企业建立了长期的合作伙伴关系,如,飞驼,吉尔康,奥古斯都,中国香牌,红孩子,男主角,迪安,多尔康,东艺, 盛世,崎角龙,女主角和中国日泰等等。 公司实行科学管理机制,高度重视人才的引进和培养。采用计算机技术网络系统和电脑监控设施管理。瑞达公司秉承“客户即上帝、以人为本、以客为尊”,坚持以“、诚信为本”为宗旨。拥有齐备的人才、丰富的经验、的实验室, 一批经验丰富、技术专精的管理人才、一支训练有素的员工队伍,集思广益,确保公司服务体系的全方位、一体化。 我们有专业的平面设计和制版人员,为您和您的企业提供全新的商标保障。 如果您有商标织标的需要,请您联系我们。 我们真诚期待您的到来!愿我们建立长期、愉快的合作伙伴关系! In 30 years, Nine West has evolved to become a world-renowned fashion leader. Established in 1978, the Nine West brand took its name from its founding address at 9 West 57th street in New York City. Today, Nine West shoes, Nine West handbags and Nine West jewelry are beloved by women around the world, and considered a trusted advisor in every category for fashion including children’s. Nine West shoes, Nine West handbags and Nine West jewelry offer a quick edit of the runways - pinpointing the "must-have" footwear and handbag looks of the season. Sold in 60 countries, Nine West is recognized as a total lifestyle brand offering runway looks interpreted into real-life fashion through their shoes and accessories. Nine West has left their footprint all over the fashion industry with up-to-the-minute trends and looks off the hottest fashion magazines.